Saturday, February 21, 2009

Lego Robotic Education Set in Senior High School Physics



The LEGO Robotic Education Set is very effective and appropriate in the teaching of Force and Motion in Senior High School in Malaysia. Robotic set is used to teach topics such as distance and displacement, momentum, impulsive force, gravitational acceleration, energy and power.

The application of robot creates new developments in the learning and teaching of Physics. Robotic set makes the following events possible.
- Teacher and student are able to create new apparatus .
- Teacher and student develop new methods to do calculations.
- Teacher can develop new experiment with robotic set.
- Teacher can apply and introduce programming knowledge in the teaching of

LEGO robotic set simplifies the existing experiments. Experiments with wooden tracks and more than one thicker timer are difficult to be carried out in the school laboratories. For example : Elastic collision, inelastic collision and explosion. Robotic set is used to solve the inconvenience.

LEGO set helps to measure the short time interval for events. The measurement of short time interval is difficult and inaccurate with the current apparatus in the school laboratory. The combination of light sensors and touch sensors makes the measurement possible. For example the measurement of gravitational acceleration.

LEGO robotic set fosters creativity among students and teachers. Students and teachers are able to generate new ideas using robotic set. Logical thinking skill of students is tested in the programming of the robot.

As a conclusion, LEGO introduces new technology and new teaching and learning methods in education. LEGO makes teaching and learning more effective and interesting. More ideas can be generated in teaching Physics.

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